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Welcome to CRMSO

At the Clinical Research Management & Support Office, we know that when you're conducting a clinical trial, time is of the essence. However, we also know that managing a multi-center study can be extremely difficult to navigate. In addition, we know that clinical trials can be complex, with multiple centers involved, each having different study activation processes. That's why we work closely with each site to understand their workflow and create an integrated approach that allows the team to easily manage all aspects of your study, from initial planning to data analysis and reporting.

We exist to facilitate the management of clinical trials where multiple centers are involved and offer our services to faculty members who hold Investigational New Drug Applications or Investigational Device Exemption Applications (IDEs). Our goal is to decrease the time to study activation and provide succinct reporting of study status. We also want to create streamlined processes and workflows so that you can focus on what matters most - your discoveries!
